Category Archives: 2015 Activity Log from Facebook page Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news

December 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a page.
Is your call sign listed in QRZ,com? Along with a current mail address? Have you have added an email address? How about a short biography? Wise business and it is free!

And QRZ is on Facebook, like their page

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. created a poll in SRRC Meeting December 7, 2015.
Will you be attending this SRRC meeting?
Will you be attending this SRRC meeting?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.

SRRC Meeting December 7, 2015
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

November 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

ARRL Cyber Monday sale

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Gary Olson’s post.
or Wednesday’s club net. And make it a habit to say your call and location when you get in the truck, and every 5 to 10 minutes of traveling. You have to call to get results.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

145 MHz Low Loss Bandpass Helical Filter
Do it yourself article.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Gary Olson’s post.
Check into the net Sunday.

Gary Olson wrote on your timeline.
Finally put a radio in the new truck, not a peep heard on 2 meters anywhere. frown emoticon de KA9RLJ

Kc Kerchner shared a post to your timeline.
a MORE Realistic Go-Kit approach that is able to provide reliable Local, Regional, and Divisional Emergency Communications

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

ARRL Audio News may be found here, and is released every Friday.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
FCC Amateur Radio Exam session scheduled 11/21/15 at 11:00 AM. be sure to register in advance

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 1986

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline — at Smitty’s Bar & Grill.
‘an uninstalled Anderson Power Pole
is just as deadly as Lego’s
to your bare feet’
an uninstalled Anderson Power Pole
is just as deadly as Lego’s
to your bare feet

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘another HAMFEST FIND ~ a some what decent
Home Made Duplexer from old Fire Extinguishers

do NOT do this at home ~ some Foamer will buy you a
NEW set of cans in exchange for those old extinguishers’
another HAMFEST FIND ~ a some what decent
Home Made Duplexer from old Fire Extinguishers

do NOT do this at home ~ some Foamer will buy you a
NEW set of cans in exchange for those old extinguishers

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘By now, everyone should have a Drive-On Mast Mount ~
…..this would work GREAT with your Cross-Band equipped mobile and also enhance your HF coverage in an Emergency ~ 5′ sections of mast pipe or larger plastic conduit are ideal with a simple antenna, or with a mount attached for your HF whip ~ Radials make good guys ;)’
By now, everyone should have a Drive-On Mast Mount ~
…..this would work GREAT with your Cross-Band equipped mobile and also enhance your HF coverage in an Emergency ~ 5′ sections of mast pipe or larger plastic conduit are ideal with a simple antenna, or with a mount attached for your HF whip ~ Radials make good guys wink emoticon
October 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. replied to Kc Kerchner’s comment.
Results Database
Pat KC6VVT reported he was visiting different FD sites and came upon the IVRA group in their park location just after shutdown from FD, and also got an earful from Mike KN9T and Michael Scawrong N9GZ at theri antenna party yesterday about this very same worthy accomplishment. Well done from all!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
W9MKS/R report – Oggie and I made some changes to the repeater yesterday. Check it out on both 2M / 440 and we can talk about any problems or changes at the meeting on Monday.
Echolink is hooked up and seems to be working. Check it out as well.
Mark, K9ZQ
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. watched a video.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.
Google Maps APRS
WX – Saturday rain AM, may clear in afternoon/early evening.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.

Starved Rock Radio Club November Meeting
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Kc Kerchner shared a link to your timeline.
Results Database
2015 FIELD DAY RESULTS are now available ~~~
Some Stations did phenomenal, others, not so much ~
GREAT Propagation this year, compared to last…..


Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘SUPER ROTOR ~ with all the Rotor problems, perhaps we should get this one, and mount it under the old repeater tower ~ at least it can be worked on at ground level :)’
SUPER ROTOR ~ with all the Rotor problems, perhaps we should get this one, and mount it under the old repeater tower ~ at least it can be worked on at ground level smile emoticon

Brad Nicholson added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline — with Neil Nicholson.
‘Another 2015 pic’
Another 2015 pic

Brad Nicholson added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘2015 Chicago Marathon, Aid Station 18’
2015 Chicago Marathon, Aid Station 18

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Just a friendly reminder, the Starved Rock Radio Club sponsors a weekly radio net at 8:00 PM CDT every Wednesday on its VHF Repeater, W9MKS/R 147.120 MHz + 600 kHz offset, with 103.5 Hz tone. Check in often as you can, and know that your radio will work in the emergency!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Starting to use Broadband-Hamnet™
Broadband-Hamnet™ – a digital network for amateur radio operators using converted digital wireless devices on amateur radio frequencies. Learn more here:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Just in from Italy, amateur television and using its newest mode to copy TV transmissions from the International Space Station

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Too many new amateur radio operators who lack experience are lost in the the maze of wonderful new things they can do with their new FCC license and this hobby of a lifetime. Get active, learn all you can, find a niche to sample the world of amateur radio. Get On The Air!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

For Elmers, a helpful link to mentor new amateur radio operators

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Big gathering at Chief Shabbona County Park!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s photo.
‘a group of Hams to the East of us putting up an
Antenna for JOTA on this Cold and Chilly night.

Perhaps Pat will run his out to Chief Shabona Park’
Pat Ryan – the Hex Beam is notorious for snagging anything nearby, and is not transportable after assembly!

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘a group of Hams to the East of us putting up an
Antenna for JOTA on this Cold and Chilly night.

Perhaps Pat will run his out to Chief Shabona Park’
a group of Hams to the East of us putting up an
Antenna for JOTA on this Cold and Chilly night.

Perhaps Pat will run his out to Chief Shabona Park

Kc Kerchner shared a link to your timeline.

Most Baofeng and a few Wauxon do not comply with Part 97 standards • /r/amateurradio
Bow WoW Fangs ~ GREAT for Skeet Practice


Kc Kerchner wrote on your timeline.
Illinois QSO Party – Sunday Oct 18
1700 UTC through 0100 UTC Sunday evening
12:00 noon through 8:00 PM local time
Everyone is invited to participate, even for a few contacts
More info at:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added a new photo.
‘Must have been looking for his friend at the Don Nauman W9DON farm when he had to crash land.’
Must have been looking for his friend at the Don Nauman W9DON farm when he had to crash land.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

The 2015 Illinois QSO Party will be held Sunday, October 18.
(1700Z October 18 to 0100Z October 19)

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. wrote on Illinois QSO Party’s timeline.
The 2015 Illinois QSO Party will be held Sunday, October 18.
(1700Z October 18 to 0100Z October 19)

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared James Pastorfield’s post.
Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1980 October 9 2015

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1980 with a release date of Friday, October 9, 2015 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a QST. Hams step up to assist in the South Carolina’s biggest flooding since Hurricane Floyd. The Islands on the Air website deals with a security breach. Boy Scouts around the world prepare for the 58th Jamboree O… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Midwest Power, Mid-America’s Premier Launch Event
Learn more at

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.

Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA)
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
Google Maps APRS
Midwest Power will be coming to Princeton area for their annual model rocket launching from October 30-November 1, 2013 and has a periodic APRS homing location by KC9LDH who calls this the “Largest Rocket Launch in Il. 10/30-11/1”
Save this map location

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Robert Allen 1928-2015
SK – Robert Allen N9GYH of La Salle, passed away Monday, Oct. 5, at La Salle Veterans Home, and was a member of the Starved Rock Radio Club. More at:
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. watched a video.

Sky Ladder

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Per tonight’s meeting of the SRRC, our repeater Echolink service is not available until the clubhouse Internet connection is restored. No ETA on that.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own photo.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.
Pat KC6VVT Static Editor with former SRRC President Mat KB9VZH in front of clubhouse sign.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their cover photo.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their profile picture.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their profile picture.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.

Starved Rock Radio Club October Meeting
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

New OSCAR Satellite Status Page
New amateur radio satellite page for current activity

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. was mentioned in a post.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.
September 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s photo.
‘introduced at the PEORIA PAARC HAMFEST 2015

Rohn Tower announces new line of furniture :)’
Roadie Bed -usually aluminum, but some might like the hot dip galvanized steel version./

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. replied to Gordon A. Grimm’s comment.
‘SENTINEL BARRETT 160-10 METER HEXBEAM shown, made by, would be a fine antenna at the clubhouse, with good performance at a lower tower height.’
The broadband option requires a separate lead in from its separate balun, but will load up.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. replied to Gordon A. Grimm’s comment.
‘SENTINEL BARRETT 160-10 METER HEXBEAM shown, made by, would be a fine antenna at the clubhouse, with good performance at a lower tower height.’
OMNI NVIS below 40M,

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added a new photo.
‘SENTINEL BARRETT 160-10 METER HEXBEAM shown, made by, would be a fine antenna at the clubhouse, with good performance at a lower tower height.’
SENTINEL BARRETT 160-10 METER HEXBEAM shown, made by, would be a fine antenna at the clubhouse, with good performance at a lower tower height.

Kc Kerchner shared a link to your timeline.

Winter Field Day Association(WFDA)
Winter Field Day
is only a few months away

will you be ready to go out and operate?
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. watched a video.

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘introduced at the PEORIA PAARC HAMFEST 2015

Rohn Tower announces new line of furniture :)’
introduced at the PEORIA PAARC HAMFEST 2015

Rohn Tower announces new line of furniture smile emoticon

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

ARRL :: What’s New
Did you know about the fall special at the ARRL publications shop?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared Tom Ciciora’s post.
The ARRL Illinois Section News is out, read it on FB now.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Congratulations to Mark K9ZQ for Runner Up Award in the Go-Kit contest, but the real winner was Auggie K9JNK, who won the judges approval for First Place! At least, that was as relayed to Pat KC6VVT, Reporter for this page.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Great to see SRRC members at the Peoria Superfest on Saturday. Cool weather overnight emptied the lots, of all but the hardiest tailgaters. The RV lot had many other amateurs staying overnight and enjoying the hookups. And Sunday, many new tailgaters who could not make Saturday session were there.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes their own post.
This weekend, Peoria-Area Amateur Radio Club hosts their annual hamfest aka SUPERFEST at the Expo Garden in Peoria. Home in on APRS beacon SUPERFEST, or set your GPS to 4045.97N 08937.16W, and attend this great hamfest! Tell them SRRC sent you.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Tip of the hat to John AA9VT for restoring operation Saturday evening, he found the bad power Ground Fault Interupter (GFI) had tripped and reset that.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.

W9UVI – Peoria-Area Amateur Radio Club | Amateur Radio for Central Illinois and the World
more at

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
This weekend, Peoria-Area Amateur Radio Club hosts their annual hamfest aka SUPERFEST at the Expo Garden in Peoria. Home in on APRS beacon SUPERFEST, or set your GPS to 4045.97N 08937.16W, and attend this great hamfest! Tell them SRRC sent you.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s post on their own Timeline.
and the 2016 Hamfest Chairman is….. K9ML

Kc Kerchner wrote on your timeline.
and the 2016 Hamfest Chairman is….. K9ML

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link to Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s Timeline.

The rising of the tower
New tower going up in Olney, IL

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Both W9MKS Repeaters are down, VHF/ 147.120 MHz + and U/HF /440.050 MHz + since yesterday’s storm

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘last weekend at the Shelby Hamfest…..
operating 40m CW “Pedestrian Mobile”‘
last weekend at the Shelby Hamfest…..
operating 40m CW “Pedestrian Mobile”
August 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.

SRRC September Meeting 9/14/15
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
” In 1932, it was the practice of two ardent radio amateurs, Loppy W9MKS and Hugo W9LIG, to visit any and all amateurs that were active in this area. Visiting as they did, they found that that majority of amateurs only knew of the existence of amateurs in their own city or town, or they knew only those amateurs that they had worked over the air, while they were almost completely ig… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
From the SILVER ANNIVERSARY of the STARVED ROCK RADIO CLUB, a publication of the SRRC

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
reMEMBERing Hugo Borri W9LIG SK – SRRC members present at the Banquet for the 25th Silver Organization Anniversary that were also at the first preliminary meeting in Granville on July 22, 1933 were W9NIU, W9NGG and W9LIG.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared Trending in China’s video.
or, how to visualize high VSWR on a ladder line feed to an antenna with too much RF power applied. Or a lightning stroke hitting the antenna. Keep ladder line away from all objects, and do not run above anything but clear ground.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Brian Duran’s post.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. was mentioned in a post.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.

3000 Feet of NEW 1-7/8″ Hardline :)’

3000 Feet of NEW 1-7/8″ Hardline smile emoticon

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. replied to Kc Kerchner’s comment.
Works great on WiFi if you know what your doing.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own life event.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.: Banquet for Silver Organization Anniversary
By all historical accounts, this was a grand banquet and meeting, and those of the SRRC who feasted this night were lavish in their praises of all the effort it took to present this special banquet.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own life event.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.: Banquet for Silver Organization Anniversary
Pat KC6VVT adds: “I helped with this SRRC banquet of its members and family, mostly as a gopher, as I was only ten years old. I do remember Uncle Ross Hawley, my Mother’s brother, was affiliated with SRRC from its earliest days, and same with my Mother’s brother-in-law, my Uncle Harvey W9NGG. Also present and honored were our long time family friends, Mercer W9NIU and wife Henrietta Nicholson (current member Brad Nicholson’s parents). Chairman Rusty W9TLC was our neighbor and ably pitched this banquet, for it was a big deal to host so many by the local woman’s service club.”

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
After tonight’s monthly SRRC meeting, Mark K9ZQ, Joe KB9EZZ, and John AA9VT checked out the transition of Echolink to our new Ruff wireless ISP and seems to be working now. Need an attic mounted 2M antenna instead of the dummy load used for better results on incoming audio though.
July 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
ReMEMBERING SRRC Silent Keys – Newland “Rusty” Warrner, was a long time member and mentor (Elmer) for the SRRC back in the day, working out of his radio and television shop in Tonica, IL, and a renowned local professional photographer, too. Pat KC6VVT recalls visiting Rusty’s radio shack, his downtown shop, and attending Novice amateur radio classes in Morse Code and Radio Theory for local youth t… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Roy W9SP reviewed his service on the Dew Line, It may have been more than 50 years since the club heard this history, because back on 10/30/1959 at the 25th anniversary banquet for the club, the entertainment was viewing colorful pictures of the Polar Radar Dew Line and hearing remarks about this defense line from guest, Mr. Hummer, instructor at Federal Electric of Streator, IL.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.: Banquet for Silver Organization Anniversary

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own life event.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.: SRRC Affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL
From the SILVER ANNIVERSARY of the STARVED ROCK RADIO CLUB, a publication of the SRRC

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own life event.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.: SRRC Anniversary
From the SILVER ANNIVERSARY of the STARVED ROCK RADIO CLUB, a publication of the SRRC

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.: SRRC Affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.: SRRC Anniversary

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. posted in CCC ON THE AIR WEEKEND.
No tickets required, free admission, walk-ins welcome!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.

SRRC Monthly Meeting
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s link.

Colorado Springs couple transforms area summits into temporary radio stations
Pat KC6VVT remembers his times out West where the Scouts would go to the summits and use signal mirrors, coordinating with ham radio who was flashing who from all the mountain tops!!!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s link.

Colorado Springs couple transforms area summits into temporary radio stations
You left off Top of Mark, Buffalo Rock, Mt Palantine in Putnam County, and Piety Hill in Oglesby area for some local ‘summits, Kc.

Kc Kerchner shared a link to your timeline.

Colorado Springs couple transforms area summits into temporary radio stations

Perhaps on TOP of the Starvin’ Rock ?

or over in Standard on the Illinois Mountain ?


Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s post on their own Timeline.

Kc Kerchner shared a post to your timeline.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

2015 Jamborall
Scouts and Scouters – Mark your calendar for this event, and the SRRC is invited to have a table there to publicize their annual ‘Jamboree on the Air’ effort on Saturday, Oct 2, 2015 at the Sandwich Fair Grounds.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
From the SILVER ANNIVERSARY of the STARVED ROCK RADIO CLUB, a publication of the SRRC

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
From the SILVER ANNIVERSARY of the STARVED ROCK RADIO CLUB, a publication of the SRRC

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Leslie E. Anderson, W9MMKS, Born 12/11/1912, SK May 29, 1938, was a co-founder of the SRRC; first Secretary treasurer for three years; first editor for STATIC, a SRRC publication. Served his offices efficiently as he devoted most of his spare time to amateur radio; made acquaintances with countless radio associates; endowed with a wonderful personality which attributed to his secret of making and keeping friends;, he possesse a rare sense of humor which can be seen in the minutes he left back before he joined the “Silent Keys”.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
SRRC History – July 22, 1933, 8:00 PM, the first meeting of the Starved Rock Radio club was held in Granville, IL Purpose: Stimulated interest for a club

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Welcome! | Indianapolis Repeater Association
W9IRA is reported in Grid Square EM69wr, Bearing 122.7° ESE
Distance 183.8 mi (from KC6VVT)

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Welcome! | Indianapolis Repeater Association
Two meter band opening – KC6VVT heard W9IRA Repeater in Indianapolis, IN on 147.120 + no PL and was able to bring it up while testing our W9MKS/R VHF repeater on same frequency –

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added 2 new photos.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.
At FD2015, Dave Brian KD9EEV (x/KB0LEJ) upgraded to General, and Kristie Cobb KD9EEW, passed both her Technician and General tests. Tom KA9QPN, ARRL Illinois Section Manager, presenting the CSCE.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Photos to follow in due coursee

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Quote from the Illinois Section Manager, Tom KA9QPN:
**I try to hit as many FD sites as I can within a reasonable drive. One of my stops was the Starved Rock Radio Club’s site at Chief Shabbona County Park, north of Ottawa, IL. SRRC held VE testing in conjunction with their FD effort. The photos at the bottom of the page (not attached in the email or Facebook versions) are of me presenting the CSCE to the two successful hams. The gentleman is Dave Brian KD9EEV (was KB0LEJ), who upgraded to General. The lady is Kristie Cobb KD9EEW, who successfully passed both her Technician and General tests at one sitting. VE testing makes a nice enhancement to a Field Day operation.”

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. was mentioned in a post.

Storm Prediction Center Severe Thunderstorm Watch 429
Severe Thunderstorm Watch 429 including LaSalle County and most of central IL is mapped and explained at this link, shared with Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘We’re proud to announce that circulation of the weekly ARRL Letter has topped 100,000 — second only to the circulation of QST magazine itself. See The e-letter is free to all ARRL members. Just select it in your membership profile on the ARRL website.’
We’re proud to announce that circulation of the weekly ARRL Letter has topped 100,000 — second only to the circulation of QST magazine itself. See The e-letter is free to all ARRL members. Just select it in your membership profile on the ARRL website.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Will County ARES’s post.
TO ALL: Today and Sunday while your driving around you may see something you haven’t seen before. A group of people with tents, and tall antennas. You may wonder what is going on and why are they there. Don’t be afraid they are Amateur Radio Operators working what we call “Field Day”. We are testing to see how many contacts we can make in a 24 hour period. It’s to better are operators in case ther… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jacksonville Amateur Radio Society K9JX’s post.
Jacksonville Amateur Radio Society K9JX’s photo.
Jacksonville Amateur Radio Society K9JX’s photo.
Jacksonville Amateur Radio Society K9JX’s photo.
Jacksonville Amateur Radio Society K9JX’s photo.
K9JX Field Day 2015!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LinComm’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post in 2015 ARRL Field Day.
So how did you do?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post in 2015 ARRL Field Day.
ARRLWeb Contest Soapbox
With Field Day over, don’t forget to post your group’s activities to the ARRL Soapbox page. You can post a long writeup and high-resolution photos to that page. The ARRL Field Day Soapbox page is one of the most-read pages on our site; everybody loves reading about Field Day. That’s also one of the first places we go looking for high-resolution photos for publication in the QST Field Day article.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post in 2015 ARRL Field Day.
Logs Received
814 Field Day entries received from the online log submission form as of 1521 UTC today! Double-check the Logs Received page to make sure your listing is correct.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes International Space Station’s post.
Coffee break one of 15th

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

2015 Field Day Log Analysis | Starved Rock Radio Club
Tip of the hat to Joe KB9EZZ, Field Day Chairman, for this report!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

2015 Field Day Log Analysis | Starved Rock Radio Club
New 2015 FD page uploaded to the SRRC Webpage

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
Amateur Radio License Examination
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
SRRC Meeting next Monday – Are you going? Special guest coming to share some history! See the event listing for more, or the club email reflector for Mark K9ZQ post!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Our Preliminary 2015 Field Day info from Joe Tokarz KB9EZZ
Score Class QSO GOTA Participants
2,198 5A 423 K9ZQ 30
June 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s photo.
‘so THAT is how the CW guys get so many contacts :)’
Next year, how about FD16 at the Field Of Dreams Rt. 71 in Ottawa?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s photo.
‘so THAT is how the CW guys get so many contacts :)’
Pat Ryan KC6VVT used to log for those 20MCW RASCALS – or Radio Amateurs Sending Code At Lightning Speed! Reminds him of back in the SOBARS Field Day at King Six Queen Hot Queen using a 20M 2 element quad beaming North East.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s photo on their own Timeline.
‘so THAT is how the CW guys get so many contacts :)’
so THAT is how the CW guys get so many contacts smile emoticon

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘so THAT is how the CW guys get so many contacts :)’
so THAT is how the CW guys get so many contacts smile emoticon

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘I always bring my own
straight key to Field Day
because I’m left-handed’
I always bring my own
straight key to Field Day
because I’m left-handed

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post.
and the hosts of the Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show will be participating in the annual Field Day event at Chief Shabbona County Park. located in LaSalle County, just North on CR 1 from Harding, IL. this weekend, and public is invited to enjoy this annual event Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Pat Ryan KC6VVT, Ed.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tim McDonough’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
Great job Mark WD9HBF!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes David Smalley’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
Thanks for adding me-
de N9KVS

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jess Hunter’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
So I’ve decided to shut the shop down which means I’ll be downsizing my radio gear. If anyone is interested in any of the retired commercial radio gear I have let me know as it will be going cheap. I’ll also be liquidating my 60 watt Motorola UHF radio as well as my 110 Watt VHF Motorola radio. These two radios is what I have been using for the last couple of years to talk on when at the shop.

Also have the Motorola repeater that has worked flawlessly the last few years and it comes with the duplexer and programmed on 441.500.

Also if anyone is interested in a 5X9 utility trailer I’ll be liquidating that as well.

If interested PM me.


Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jess Hunter’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
After doing the math I realized that the two solar panels I have for the trailer is WAYYYY more than what it needs. Anyone looking for a used 120 watt solar panel PM me.
Here is the spec sheet for it:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jess Hunter’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
With this weekend being Field Day, the Comm Trailer will be rolling out for the entire event. In addition to HF we will also be handling 2M and 70cm simplex operations. It is our intention that we will utilize the ARES Simplex frequencies but will have to wait until the day of the event before selectig which one.

We will be monitoring the 444.400+ (103.5) repeater to coordinate simplex activities. If you are within range hope to hear you on the air.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Joshua Eugene Clearwater’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
Hello, recently joined… im interested in all things radio…. im working towards my license soon so i can do more than listen. i currently own a few baofeng radios and a galaxy dx2517 10 meter / 11 meter radio… once i get my license i hope to get something like an icom or kenwood all mode all band radio… anywho.. thought id throw a shout out to you guys… btw im in montgomery county illinois.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jess Hunter’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Ron Morgan’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
KB9NW, Ron Morgan. Lives in East Peoria.
ARRL Assistant Section Manager
Member of SMC, PAARC and CIDXA.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kevin Wright’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
Thanks for the invitation to join. I live in Mahomet and got my tech license (KD9CIO) in October of last year. I originally got my tech license in the 90’s (N9RTI) but let it expire. I haven’t been on too much but hope to change that in the near future. I drive to Springfield about 2 or 3 times a week. I have a Baofeng ht and a Yaseu 817, not mobile yet. I’m looking to upgrade to general class soon. Hope to make some contacts.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Mark Kerhlikar’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.

2015 ARRL Field Day
ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jess Hunter’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
Since we have had quite a few new members join in the past couple of weeks, lets find out where everyone is from. Throw out your call sign and your home QTH.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tim McDonough’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.
I’m looking for a (hopefully free) on-line tool where I can place two points on a map and see what sort of antenna heights would be required for a high speed link between the two locations.

Anyone have a suggestion or a link perhaps?


Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jess Hunter’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.

New World Distance Records Set on 2.3 and 3.4 GHz Ham Bands

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Mark Kerhlikar’s post in Central Illinois Amateur Radio.

Geomagnetic Storming Reaches Severe Level

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s event.

2015 ARRL Field Day
ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio
Our club will be participating in FD 2015 as W9MKS from Chief Shabonna County Park, North of Harding IL in LaSalle County. Visit us, and Get On The Air!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s link.
Our club will be participating in FD 2015 as W9MKS from Chief Shabonna County Park, North of Harding IL in LaSalle County.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s link.
Five days until ARRL Field Day 2015! Here are some ways you can share your group’s Field Day effort online:

1) Join the 2015 Field Day Facebook event page and post photos, media hits and group fun in real time.

2) Use the hash tag ‪#‎ARRLFD‬ on Twitter.

3) Post your post-Field Day report to the ARRL Soapbox page.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Joe K9ATG recently inquired about our club net, from down in Springfield.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
The SRRC weekly 2M Club Net is held currently on Wednesday at 8:00 PM on the W9MKS/R on 147.120 MHz + 103.5 Hz Tone, serving North Central Illinois, and is open to all.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Brad Nicholson’s photo.
‘Another view of the ’50’s and ’60’s Hamfest/Field Day hat (Mars Ribbon)’
Classic headgear of those days, the Pith Helmet with a call sign!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Brad Nicholson’s photo on their own Timeline.
‘Another view of the ’50’s and ’60’s Hamfest/Field Day hat (Mars Ribbon)’
Another view of the ’50’s and ’60’s Hamfest/Field Day hat (Mars Ribbon)

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Brad Nicholson’s photo.
‘An item I’d like to donate to the SRRC if it will be preserved and displayed for members enjoyment. Field Day/Hamfest hat of Robert M. Nicholson, Original member S.R.R.C.’
Lots of wall space at the club house, bring a coat hook or nail, and hang it yourself, Brad Nicholson. And a photo of Mercer W9NIU SK would be also welcome!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Brad Nicholson’s photo on their own Timeline.
‘An item I’d like to donate to the SRRC if it will be preserved and displayed for members enjoyment. Field Day/Hamfest hat of Robert M. Nicholson, Original member S.R.R.C.’
An item I’d like to donate to the SRRC if it will be preserved and displayed for members enjoyment. Field Day/Hamfest hat of Robert M. Nicholson, Original member S.R.R.C.

Brad Nicholson added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘Another view of the ’50’s and ’60’s Hamfest/Field Day hat (Mars Ribbon)’
Another view of the ’50’s and ’60’s Hamfest/Field Day hat (Mars Ribbon)

Brad Nicholson added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘An item I’d like to donate to the SRRC if it will be preserved and displayed for members enjoyment. Field Day/Hamfest hat of Robert M. Nicholson, Original member S.R.R.C.’
An item I’d like to donate to the SRRC if it will be preserved and displayed for members enjoyment. Field Day/Hamfest hat of Robert M. Nicholson, Original member S.R.R.C.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LinComm’s link.

Illinois State Police, IDOT and EM Live Audio Feed
And finally our StarCom feed.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes CQ Amateur Radio Magazine’s photo.
‘We are sad to report on the passing of a good friend and major force in amateur radio, Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF. Bill was best known as founder and producer of Amateur Radio Newsline and as founder and administrator of the Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award (of which CQ is a co-sponsor). Newsline’s predecessor, Westlink Radio News, was the first regular audio news service in amateur radio. Bill will be greatly missed. 73 OM
(Photo – of Bill and his wife, Sharon, and their dog – borrowed from Don Wilbanks, AE5DW)’
We are sad to report on the passing of a good friend and major force in amateur radio, Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF. Bill was best known as founder and producer of Amateur Radio Newsline and as founder and administrator of the Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award (of which CQ is a co-sponsor). Newsline’s predecessor, Westlink Radio News, was the first regular audio news service in amateur radio. Bill will be greatly missed. 73 OM
(Photo – of Bill and his wife, Sharon, and their dog – borrowed from Don Wilbanks, AE5DW)

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes RF Adapter Guy’s post.
You can find us in Knoxville, TN this weekend…

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post in 2015 ARRL Field Day.

Amateur Radio’s Nationwide “Field Day” Open House Publicly Demonstrates Ham Radio’s Science,…
Here’s the national Field Day press release, sent out over the PR wire. Share it with your local media, and be sure to include contact info for YOUR club.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post in 2015 ARRL Field Day.

Field Day
The winner of the 2015 ARRL Field Day banner is Brian Keahl, WX4BK. Brian will operating ‪#‎ARRLFD‬ with the West Georgia Amateur Radio Society, W4FWD–in a pavilion next to the Carroll County Fire Station #24. They’ve got big plans to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the community–so we know the large banner will come-in handy! Be sure to check out all of the great resources at as you finalize your plans for Field Day.

Just think… a lot of folks will be setting up their stations one week from today!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on CQ Amateur Radio Magazine’s link.

Vintage 1944 Radio Operator Training: How to Send Morse Code (CW) by Hand
Thanks for sharing!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes CQ Amateur Radio Magazine’s link.

Vintage 1944 Radio Operator Training: How to Send Morse Code (CW) by Hand
Do you know the history of hand-sending Morse code over the radio, at least by the DoD standards (albeit circa 1940s)?

In this vintage United States Navy Department of Defense (DOD) film from 1944, the technique of using a straight, mechanical hand key to “send” “International Morse code” (as different from “American Morse code”, used by railroad landline communications) by radio to ships, and o… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s post.
According to LaSalle County Highway Department, Dee Bennett Road in rural Ottawa and Ben Samek Road (County Highway 63) in rural Peru will re-open at 12 Noon today!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Illinois Valley Skywarn’s photo.
‘**Quick Update on tomorrow’s severe weather forecast: The entire Illinois Valley has been upgraded to an ENHANCED RISK for severe weather.

This means that the probability for severe weather is more likely. Please check in to this page during the day on Saturday should any changes to the forecast occur.**

The graphic below shows the latest forecast for severe weather for the US for Saturday:’
**Quick Update on tomorrow’s severe weather forecast: The entire Illinois Valley has been upgraded to an ENHANCED RISK for severe weather.

This means that the probability for severe weather is more likely. Please check in to this page during the day on Saturday should any changes to the forecast occur.**

The graphic below shows the latest forecast for severe weather for the US for Saturday:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes International Space Station’s post.
Astro Chris at his best.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s link.

ARRL Audio News
The FCC agrees to scale back the closing of their Field Offices. That and more in this week’s ARRL Audio News, available online and through iTunes. “If news breaks, we solder it.”

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘Be sure all of the young people you help get on-the-air during Kids Day get this handsome Certificate of Participation. You can download the certificate at’
Be sure all of the young people you help get on-the-air during Kids Day get this handsome Certificate of Participation. You can download the certificate at

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘ARRL members celebrate Kids Day this Sunday, June 21, 2015. Kids Day is an opportunity to share the on-the-air experience with young people and foster their interest in Amateur Radio. Share the excitement of wireless technology and ham radio with your children, grandchildren, scout troop, and other youth groups! For operating guidelines and other info, visit’
ARRL members celebrate Kids Day this Sunday, June 21, 2015. Kids Day is an opportunity to share the on-the-air experience with young people and foster their interest in Amateur Radio. Share the excitement of wireless technology and ham radio with your children, grandchildren, scout troop, and other youth groups! For operating guidelines and other info, visit

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes their own post in SRRC Monthly Meeting for July 2015.
SRRC Monthly Meeting for July 2015
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
SRRC Monthly Meeting for July 2015
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. replied to Gene Young’s comment.
Hold off a bit. Checking locally, but thanks!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.

New Logitech USB to 3.5mm Jack Stereo Headset Audio Adapter External Sound Card

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Check your junk box or favorite electronics supplier for this item:
Logitech USB to 3.5mm Jack Stereo Headset Audio Adapter External Sound Card (no substitute), a dongle needed by LinComm to restore their popular PS radio service. Donation or long term loan would be welcome, I am sure!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jeff Simmons’s photo on their own Timeline.
‘Group, I’m a local Ham who’s selling my Yaesu FT1D. I bought this radio 6 months ago brand new .The radio hardly left my desk an is in mint condition. Please private message me if interested or have any questions .
$ 350.00 OBO
Jeff from Ottawa’
Group, I’m a local Ham who’s selling my Yaesu FT1D. I bought this radio 6 months ago brand new .The radio hardly left my desk an is in mint condition. Please private message me if interested or have any questions .
$ 350.00 OBO
Jeff from Ottawa

Jeff Simmons added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘Group, I’m a local Ham who’s selling my Yaesu FT1D. I bought this radio 6 months ago brand new .The radio hardly left my desk an is in mint condition. Please private message me if interested or have any questions .
$ 350.00 OBO
Jeff from Ottawa’
Group, I’m a local Ham who’s selling my Yaesu FT1D. I bought this radio 6 months ago brand new .The radio hardly left my desk an is in mint condition. Please private message me if interested or have any questions .
$ 350.00 OBO
Jeff from Ottawa

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Jeff Simmons’s post.
Sure, Jeff, and suggest you ask any interested parties to private message you, please.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Jeff Simmons’s post on their own Timeline.
Dear Sir, I’m selling my FT1D would it be ok if I could post some pic’s on your page ?

Jeff from Ottawa

Jeff Simmons wrote on your timeline.
Dear Sir, I’m selling my FT1D would it be ok if I could post some pic’s on your page ?

Jeff from Ottawa

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
ReMEMBERING SRRC Founders Department: George Keith W9QLZ SK. George W9QLZ was instrumental in getting a place for a SRRC clubhouse on a plot of land next to his country home on Rte 178, where the old clubhouse still stands, a potential candidate for a historic plaque.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Do you reMEMBER Mark, or other former SRRC member?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Remembering former SRRC member Mark Finely NK9K, of NEW BERN, NC, and wishing him well, for no particular reason.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s photo.
‘CB&Q in Leonore

is this the Clubhouse ? looking from the northeast ?’
I believe this is the original building, yes, but long ago before additions.

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘CB&Q in Leonore

is this the Clubhouse ? looking from the northeast ?’
CB&Q in Leonore

is this the Clubhouse ? looking from the northeast ?

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘GUESS WHO :) spotted in East La Salle’
GUESS WHO smile emoticon spotted in East La Salle

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
Field Day Station Locator
W9MKS on the map!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s post.
From the 2015 Hamfest Chair – a well done

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Despite the weather forecasts, and the expected occasional rain, many attended our club sponsored Sunday’s Princeton Hamfest at the Bureau County Fairgrounds. Good club member turnout with plenty of inside shopping and trading for visiting regular and returning hamfest attendees. Vendors, some who appeared at the last minute,remarked that this hamfest was a ‘must attend’ venue, even if some did no… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s post.
W0SAT and Earl Strickler will be attending again!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s link.
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Hope you are planning to attend our Princeton hamfest! SRRC will again be hosting amateur radio examinations. More information here:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s post.
PW Electronics will be attending again this year.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s post.
Chicago Surplus has confirmed.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s post.
Here is our list of vendors as of today:

Dit & Dash
D&L Antenna
Amateur Accessories
Earl S
W0SAT… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s post.
3 days and wake up before the 2015 SRRC Hamfest. I have had a few calls this evening for additional vendors. I will update once I get a confirmation.

Ticket sales are great and the weather is looking perfect for Sunday.

Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday!


Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show’s link.

Google Maps APRS
For those homing in to our Sunday Hamfest in Princeton,
check for HamfestIL as you approach. Check this beacon for more detail and a map:!mt=roadmap&z=13&call=a%2FHamfestIL&timerange=86400&tail=86400

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Kc Kerchner’s photo.
‘up for a Road Trip ?
visit the OTHER Princeton Hamfest :)’
On the first Sunday of June, there is only one Princeton, and that is in Illinois!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s photo on their own Timeline.
‘up for a Road Trip ?
visit the OTHER Princeton Hamfest :)’
up for a Road Trip ?
visit the OTHER Princeton Hamfest smile emoticon

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Google Maps APRS
Thanks to Pat KC6VVT for this travel aid!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Google Maps APRS
APRS Homing beacon has been set up for our Sunday Hamfest at the Bureau County Fairground in Princeton, IL.
See HamfestIL on APRS, with an eyeball symbol marking the location.
Click this link for more detail and a map:…

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘up for a Road Trip ?
visit the OTHER Princeton Hamfest :)’
up for a Road Trip ?
visit the OTHER Princeton Hamfest smile emoticon
May 2015
MAY 27

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes their own post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Starved Rock Radio Club | Welcome to
More updates needed? Post suggestions here.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Amber DeLora – According to this web page, Cook County is still acive. See this webpage for your local Emergency Coordinator for your county, and register in ARES® with the one listed. Try an email to your EC listed there via the standard – that should work. smile emoticon

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Starved Rock Radio Club | Welcome to
Many updates made to the SRRC web page, please visit soon.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Want to test for your amateur radio license? Upgrading your class of license? Next exam is Jun 01 2015 at 6:00PM. Here is a link to help you register for the next local examination for an amateur radio license, or upgrade of your existing license:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Updated Amateur Radio Emergency Service Manual Now Online
ARES® has a new edition of their manual now available for downloading:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Radio Waves
ARRL registered VE Examiners and Instructors may receive Radio Waves, if they are currently electing receipt, and the current issue may be found here:
MAY 23

Kc Kerchner wrote on your timeline.
QST ~ FCC drops Vanity Fees ~ May 22, 2015 ~ The FCC is eliminating the regulatory fee to apply for an Amateur Radio vanity call sign. The change will not go into effect until required congressional notice has been given. This will take at least 90 days. The FCC spends more resources on processing the regulatory fees and issuing refunds than the amount of fees collected. After the Commission provides the required congressional notifications, Amateur Radio vanity program applicants will no longer be financially burdened with such payments. The FCC said it would not issue refunds to licensees who paid the regulatory fee prior to its official elimination.
MAY 18

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘DAYTON 2015 ~ Armpit to Armpit ~ Wall to Wall
for some strange reason, I don’t see me
look for the blonde hair ~ ooops…..
was I wearing a Ball Cap or my Straw Hat that day?’
DAYTON 2015 ~ Armpit to Armpit ~ Wall to Wall
for some strange reason, I don’t see me
look for the blonde hair ~ ooops…..
was I wearing a Ball Cap or my Straw Hat that day?
MAY 16

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Marathon officials have declared race over for runners not past Lock and Dam yet. Aid stations 8-10-11-12 have been requested to advise runners to stop, and transportation is being sent to pick runners, according to monitored communications.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Real-Time Lightning Map ::
Thunderstorm to West of course of the Starved Rock Country Marathon with Jim N9PLM monitoring thunderstorm on radar from Streator and Pat KC6VVT from Tonica monitoring lightning.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared The Times Newspaper’s post.
‘The start of the 2015 Starved Rock Half Marathon.’
‘The start of the 2015 full Starved Rock Country Marathon.’
And they’re off! This morning’s starting lines for the half and full marathons. Photos by Doug Larson. ‪#‎SRCMarathon‬

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared The Times Sports’s post.
Cherry’s Kelly Dzierzynski is your ‪#‎srcmarathon‬ half marathon winner! Congrats! Great little story!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared OTTAWA ILLINOIS VISITORS CENTER OFFICIAL SITE’s photo.
‘The half marathoners are now making their way to the finish line’
The half marathoners are now making their way to the finish line

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes The Times Newspaper’s post.
If you’re participating in any way in Saturday’s Starved Rock Country Marathon, please share photos and updates on Facebook and Twitter tagged with ‪#‎SRCMarathon‬. We’re looking forward to an exciting day!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes The Times Newspaper’s post.
‘The start of the 2015 Starved Rock Half Marathon.’
‘The start of the 2015 full Starved Rock Country Marathon.’
And they’re off! This morning’s starting lines for the half and full marathons. Photos by Doug Larson. ‪#‎SRCMarathon‬

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes The Times Newspaper’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Starved Rock Country Marathon
Happening now!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘Setup at the ARRL Expo has begun!’
Setup at the ARRL Expo has begun!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘Happy Hamvention! The big ARRL Team gathered for its group photo on Friday morning (May 15, 2015), just minutes before welcoming the crowds to 2015 Dayton Hamvention. The ARRL EXPO Team includes over 130 people: ARRL staff, officials, volunteers, and friends. [Photo credit: Lewis Surrey N4DXB]’
Happy Hamvention! The big ARRL Team gathered for its group photo on Friday morning (May 15, 2015), just minutes before welcoming the crowds to 2015 Dayton Hamvention. The ARRL EXPO Team includes over 130 people: ARRL staff, officials, volunteers, and friends. [Photo credit: Lewis Surrey N4DXB]

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, and astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, in the ARRL EXPO Friday afternoon. [Photo by Steve Ford, WB8IMY]’
ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, and astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, in the ARRL EXPO Friday afternoon. [Photo by Steve Ford, WB8IMY]

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘ARRL is hosting NASA Astronaut Mike Fincke KE5AIT at Dayton Hamvention. Mike is seen here with Jacob Sanderson, age 4, son of Matt KC9SEM and Patty N9PLS of Glen Ellyn, Illinois.’
ARRL is hosting NASA Astronaut Mike Fincke KE5AIT at Dayton Hamvention. Mike is seen here with Jacob Sanderson, age 4, son of Matt KC9SEM and Patty N9PLS of Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
MAY 14

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s photo on their own Timeline.


an Antenna for a Day in the Field’


an Antenna for a Day in the Field

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s post on their own Timeline.
Welcome New Hams to the Wonderful World of Amateur Radio

Robert Holverson, KD9DDJ and Paul Holverson, KD9DDK

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kenneth Stasiak’s activity on Places.
MAY 11

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Starved Rock Country Marathon
If you would like to help and can operate your 2M rig on battery power for at least one of the 4 hour shifts please contact :
Brad KA9WRZ email: lnbn1975 at-sign comcast dot net
MAY 10

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Starved Rock Country Marathon
Public Service Event – SRRC members will again be supporting the Starved Rock Country Marathon on May 16, 2015 with communications for health and safety.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LinComm’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post in 2015 ARRL Field Day.

Public Service Announcements
The 2015 ARRL Field Day audio PSA is now available. This is a 29-second PSA for use on broadcast radio outlets as well as podcasts.

There are two versions: one has a 7-second music bed at the end for locals clubs to provide contact info, and another has a generic reference to the ARRL Field Day page instead of a bed.

All are welcome to use the PSAs, just please let us know you’re using them!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes RF Adapter Guy’s post.
You can find us in Cadillac, MI and Sandwich, IL this weekend..

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘More than 70 Islands Will Be Active During the US Islands “One-Day Getaway” this Saturday!

At press time, 70 qualifying islands had been registered for “activation” this Saturday for the 2015 US Islands One-Day Getaway event. Individuals and teams will take to the airwaves May 9 between 0000 and 2359 UTC from islands in lakes, streams, ponds, rivers and along coastlines. Some of the coastal islands are also eligible for RSGB IOTA (Islands On The Air) credit. For more information see the US Islands On The Air website at and read the article “The US Islands Awards Program” by Sean Kutzko, KX9X, in the May issue of QST. Follow the event on Twitter this weekend with the hash tag #USIslands.’
More than 70 Islands Will Be Active During the US Islands “One-Day Getaway” this Saturday!

At press time, 70 qualifying islands had been registered for “activation” this Saturday for the 2015 US Islands One-Day Getaway event. Individuals and teams will take to the airwaves May 9 between 0000 and 2359 UTC from islands in lakes, streams, ponds, rivers and along coastlines. Some of the coastal islan… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s album: ARRL EXPO at 2015 Dayton Hamvention.
‘ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, welcomes members and friends to Dayton Hamvention® in Dayton, Ohio, May 15-17, 2015. This big annual event has been sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association since 1952. If you’re planning to attend, don’t miss ARRL EXPO in the Ballarena Hall–ARRL’s showcase of exhibits, activities and program representatives–celebrating the very best of Amateur Radio.’
‘Happy Hamvention! The big ARRL Team gathered for its group photo on Friday morning (May 15, 2015), just minutes before welcoming the crowds to 2015 Dayton Hamvention. The ARRL EXPO Team includes over 130 people: ARRL staff, officials, volunteers, and friends. [Photo credit: Lewis Surrey N4DXB]’
‘ARRL will welcome NASA Astronaut Edward Michael “Mike” Fincke (Colonel, US Air Force, retired) as our guest to Dayton Hamvention® 2015. Mike holds an Amateur Radio license, call sign KE5AIT, and operated ham radio equipment from aboard the International Space Station as part of the Expedition 9 and 18 crews — making radio contacts with students, teachers, and the general Amateur Radio community. In June 2004, Mike delighted many radio amateurs by making contacts during ARRL Field Day. Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of ARRL, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), NASA, and other international space agencies and international Amateur Radio organizations around the world. You can meet and greet Mike in the ARRL exhibit area on Saturday, May 16, 2015 (times and locations will be posted in the ARRL exhibit area). Mike has also been confirmed as a Hamvention forum speaker on Saturday afternoon.

[Photo credit: NASA; 12-18-09; LOCATION:BLDG 8 PHOTO STUDIO; SUBJECT: Official portrait of astronaut and STS-134 crew member Mike Fincke in an EMUWORK ORDER: 3798-MIKEFINCKE-12-18-09; PHOTOGRAPHER: BILL STAFFORD]’
‘To help celebrate 100 years of QST, ARRL will introduce a commemorative reissue of the first QST—the December 1915 issue–during Dayton Hamvention®. The special reprint is free when you join, renew, or extend your ARRL membership at the big ARRL EXPO store at Hamvention. The reprint is also free for ARRL Life Members. Additional copies are $9.95 each.’
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, welcomes members and friends to Dayton Hamvention® in Dayton, Ohio, May 15-17, 2015. This big annual event has been sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association since 1952. If you’re planning to attend, don’t miss ARRL EXPO in the Ballarena Hall–ARRL’s showcase of exhibits, activities and program representatives–celebrating the very best of Amateur Radio. httpa//

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s video.

Today’s interview with Kathmandu Amateur Radio operator Satish Kharel, 9N1AA, on The Weather Channel’s “AMHQ” program. Kharel talked about ham radio’s role in recovery efforts in the wake of the earthquake in Nepal. Video courtesy The Weather Channel.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘The June Edition of Digital QST is now available at

This is our annual ARRL Field Day issue and includes a classic Gil Gildersleeve cover from the June 1951 issue!

• Avoid coaxial chaos at your Field Day site with a portable patch panel
• Add digital video to your list of Field Day modes
• Maximize your HF antenna system efficiency
• Get your code skills up to speed with the ARRL Code Proficiency program
…and much more!

Enjoy Content You Won’t Find in the Print Edition…
• See video overviews of the RF Communications Electronics AT-615B remote balanced antenna tuner and the YouKits EK-1A QRP transceiver.
• Listen to the sounds of various phonetic alphabets’
The June Edition of Digital QST is now available at

This is our annual ARRL Field Day issue and includes a classic Gil Gildersleeve cover from the June 1951 issue!

• Avoid coaxial chaos at your Field Day site with a portable patch panel
• Add digital video to your list of Field Day modes
• Maximize your HF antenna system efficiency… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
SRRC June Meeting 7:00 PM 6/01/15
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added 2 new photos.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s photo.
Mark K9ZQ contributed these photos of what he calls a cold air funnel advancing near Mendota, IL during yesterday’s storm. Trained weather spotters are essential for reporting ground truth, and can be heard on the local weather net on the SRRC Repeater.Thanks for the photos, Mark!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s post on their own Timeline.
IOTA – Islands On The Air – Northern Illinois 5/9/2015

K9L (Special Event Call) will be operating the US Island Dx-pedition, 5/9.2015, qualifying Lawrence Island in the Rock River, Rock Falls – Sterling area. They should be on late morning and early afternoon

Kc Kerchner wrote on your timeline.
IOTA – Islands On The Air – Northern Illinois 5/9/2015

K9L (Special Event Call) will be operating the US Island Dx-pedition, 5/9.2015, qualifying Lawrence Island in the Rock River, Rock Falls – Sterling area. They should be on late morning and early afternoon
April 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Reminder to all:
Sunday, June 7 at 8:00am at the Bureau County Fairgrounds Starved Rock Radio Club’s – Princeton Hamfest, Computer and Hobby Show

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
May SRRC Meeting
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Mark Gebhardt K9ZQ sends – On Monday May 4th at 7:00 PM we are having a meeting at the Starved Rock Radio Club in Leonore Illinois. We will start with a presentation by Rob Orr K9RST about the Ham Radio communications support for the Chicago Marathon. Some of the information will be helpful for those of us who help with other events such as the Starved Rock Marathon and Z-Tour but also of general interest to all amateurs.
The meeting is open to all and hopefully we will have a packed house. After the presentation there should be some discussion about our Hamfest preparation and our regular business meeting.

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.


an Antenna for a Day in the Field’


an Antenna for a Day in the Field
March 2015

Kc Kerchner wrote on your timeline.
Welcome New Hams to the Wonderful World of Amateur Radio

Robert Holverson, KD9DDJ and Paul Holverson, KD9DDK

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Jim Morris N9PLM reminds us of the Sterling Hamfest Sunday, more information here

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Weldon ‘Oogie’ Oetken N9JNK of Marseilles and Dave Louizie of Oglesby won All Hazard Warning radios by attending!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Good turnout at the IVCC for the NWS Weather Spotter course Tuesday night, and hope all registered as a LaSalle County Skywarn spotter with Laurie Bradach there. Congratulations to LaSalle County being designated by the National Weather Service as being “StormReady’, too! Well done to hosts Connie Brooks, Fred and Joe KB9EZZ there.
February 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s photo on their own Timeline.
‘always carry Duct Tape

you never know when you may
want to try some Tropo Ducting’
always carry Duct Tape

you never know when you may
want to try some Tropo Ducting

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘always carry Duct Tape

you never know when you may
want to try some Tropo Ducting’
always carry Duct Tape

you never know when you may
want to try some Tropo Ducting

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
New from the ARRL, and includes a report on the efforts in the Chicago Marathon in this report to America.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

ARES E-Letter Issues
Monthly Issue out, a good read

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.

NWS Quad Cities Spotter Training Schedule
Pat Ryan posted today this on the Illinois Valley Skywarn page

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

NWS Quad Cities Spotter Training Schedule
For Skywarn Spotters in Bureau, Putnam and other counties served by the NWS Quad Cities CWA, the 2015 schedule for severe weather training is posted at:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Pat Ryan’s link on Illinois Valley Skywarn’s Timeline.

NWS Quad Cities Spotter Training Schedule
For Skywarn Spotters in Bureau, Putnam and other counties served by the NWS Quad Cities CWA, the 2015 schedule for severe weather training is posted at:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. replied to Gordon A. Grimm’s comment.
Thanks, Gordon A. Grimm

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own link.
Should be working now, thanks Keenan!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.
The club web page was reported down and not working. This also seems to block our club email service, too.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on Gordon A. Grimm’s post.
Need date

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Gordon A. Grimm’s post on their own Timeline.
Spotter class in March..

City, State Time Location
Oglesby, IL
(LaSalle County) 6:00pm CST Illinois Valley Community College, Room CTC 124/125
Contact Information: Fred Moore, LaSalle County EMA, 815-433-5622

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own photo.
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
More on today’s offered session at:

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own photo.

Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added a new photo.
‘Starved Rock Radio club and their ARRL VEC accredited volunteers offers amateur radio examinations for those who would like to obtain an amateur radio license from the Federal Communications Commission, either the first or an upgraded license.’
Starved Rock Radio club and their ARRL VEC accredited volunteers offers amateur radio examinations for those who would like to obtain an amateur radio license from the Federal Communications Commission, either the first or an upgraded license.

Gordon A. Grimm wrote on your timeline.
Spotter class in March..

City, State Time Location
Oglesby, IL
(LaSalle County) 6:00pm CST Illinois Valley Community College, Room CTC 124/125
Contact Information: Fred Moore, LaSalle County EMA, 815-433-5622

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Illinois Valley Skywarn’s post.
**Quick Update: The WINTER STORM WARNINGS for Bureau, Putnam, Marshall, Stark and counties to the North, West and South have been extended from 9pm this evening until midnight.

The forecasts call for an additional 1-2″ of snow but gusty winds which continue to make travel difficult.**

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Eddy Vaesen’s post in International Space Station – A.R.I.S.S. Amateur radio experiments.
Eddy Vaesen’s photo.
Eddy Vaesen’s photo.
Eddy Vaesen’s photo.
Eddy Vaesen’s photo.
Received ARISS images:

Freq.: 145.800MHz
Loc. JO21RE
Antenna: Diamond V2000
Mode: PD180

73 de ON7KEI, Eddy

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
The traffic cameras are usually located on top of the newer Big Black Signs, and the current warning display is shown with the road photos.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tom Ciciora’s post in Illinois Section–American Radio Relay League.

ARRL Board Okays Changes to DXCC Program, VHF and Above Contesting Rules
I’m sure that there are going to be strong opinions on both sides of the remote operating issue.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tom Ciciora’s post in Illinois Section–American Radio Relay League.

Local amateur radio operators reach out to world
This morning’s DeKalb Daily Chronicle…

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tom Ciciora’s post in Illinois Section–American Radio Relay League.
Just committed to be at the Macoupin County ARC Hamfest at Carlinville this August. It was a good time last year and my ramblings were well received. Except for the lady who scooted her preschooler out of the room when I used the word ‘crappy’. I gotta work on that.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tim McDonough’s post in Illinois Section–American Radio Relay League.

EMCOMM Email Via Radio In Sangamon County Illinois
The N9PUZ-10 RMS Packet Gateway for WINLINK 2000 is operational again in the Springfield area. Information on it and the higher altitude digipeater system in Sangamon County is available here

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tom Ciciora’s post in Illinois Section–American Radio Relay League.
While those of us in the north end of the state are shoveling out…

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tom Ciciora’s post in Illinois Section–American Radio Relay League.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Tom Ciciora’s post in Illinois Section–American Radio Relay League.

FCC “Paperless” Amateur Radio License Policy Goes into Effect on February 17

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s photo.
‘Here’s a pic of some of the Orlando HamCation crew, sporting the convention’s new logo. 2015 HamCation will be held February 13-15. For more information about this event and other ARRL-sanctioned hamfests, please visit’
Here’s a pic of some of the Orlando HamCation crew, sporting the convention’s new logo. 2015 HamCation will be held February 13-15. For more information about this event and other ARRL-sanctioned hamfests, please visit

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Traffic cameras in our local area, save this link
IDOT Region 3×5).html

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LinComm’s post.
Princeton fire – MVC – I-80 mp56 in the median

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LinComm’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s post.
The LaSalle County Government Complex will be CLOSED tomorrow February 2, 2015. EMA staff will be monitoring events and will be on call in the event of any emergencies.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Illinois Emergency Management Agency’s note: Car stuck in the snow? Safety tips include: stay w/ vehicle, clear snow from exhaust pipe, run engine, heater 10 min/hour.
Car stuck in the snow? Safety tips include: stay w/ vehicle, clear snow from exhaust pipe, run engine, heater 10 min/hour.
Hopefully you’ll heed the warnings and stay off the roads tonight, particularly in the northern part of Illinois. But if you do travel and become stuck along the roadside, here are some tips to help you stay safe until help can arrive:
Pull as far off the road as possible, set hazard lights to flashing and hang or tie a colored cloth to the antenna…

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes their own post.
Due to weather, the SRRC business meeting has been postponed until February 9th.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes RF Adapter Guy’s post.
The 3” N Female Bulkheads are now in stock. Look for them in Charleston SC, Orlando FL, Milwaukee WI, and Livionia MI. Not able to make these shows? No problem, we will set you up


Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Illinois Emergency Management Agency’s link.

Road Closures
Road closure information from IDOT.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Illinois Emergency Management Agency’s post.
Latest road conditions from IDOT.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Due to weather, the SRRC business meeting has been postponed until February 9th.
January 2015

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
February SRRC Meeting RESCHED
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Training Session Rescheduled
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
for Winter Field Day
January 24 – 25, 2015
Disasters happen anytime’
for Winter Field Day
January 24 – 25, 2015
Disasters happen anytime

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
The Starved Rock W9MKS VHF repeater again has Echolink connectivity, reported Kurt KB9RKU, who swapped out a bad computer power supply Monday night, and fixed a few hard drive glitches.
The regular Wednesday night SRRC Net just concluded, with Tom W9TLV, Net Control, reporting 7 check ins.

Kc Kerchner shared a link to your timeline.

Wild Bill Hickok Day | A fun, historic, family day in Troy Grove, IL
Wild Bill Hickok web and facebook pages

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s photo on their own Timeline.
‘EZ-Joe’s new “Go-Pack”‘
EZ-Joe’s new “Go-Pack”

Kc Kerchner added a new photo to Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.’s timeline.
‘EZ-Joe’s new “Go-Pack”‘
EZ-Joe’s new “Go-Pack”

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
Training Session Rescheduled
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Thanks to Joe KB9EZZ for letting us know, and Steve KB9UPS, a former member and ex President, who tipped us off he was having issues trying to use.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Kc Kerchner’s link on their own Timeline.

Five Year Old Passes Technician Examination
know any FIVE year olds ?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Repeating – The W9MKS Echolink connection is down until further notice due to a bad computer, per Kurt KB9RKU, President..

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
For those who could not attend, or read at the January meeting, here are the SRRC December Meeting minutes:

Starved Rook Radio Club
December 1, 2014 Meeting

Meeting starts at 7:02 pm with 15 members present…. See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Following is an email report to members of the SRRC from Joe Tokarz KB9EZZ on the 1/12/2015 Tech Session held on meeting day in Leonore, IL (edited for FB)
Had a great Tech Session 1/12/2015.Noon to 1700

Echolink computer flashing, Echolink radio did not need reset (need new computer to restore Echolink per KB9RKU, ed)

Tested N9JNK RMS. Laptop freezes and will be used for parts… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared their event.
SRRC January Meeting Rescheduled date
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Reminder – SRRC Meeting tonight, with Joe’s KB9EZZ famous road kill chili, and lots of tortilla chips to dip at his famous training sessions before the meeting.
Tonight we install of our new President, Kurt KB9RKU, and hope you extend a big thank you to Matthew KB9VZH for his leadership over his own past terms.
Come learn about our new linking to the VHF and UHF repeaters, thanks to John AA9VT and Tom K9ML,

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. was mentioned in a post.
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. –
Free Spirit Siberian Rescue will return for two sled dog demos in 2015. The first is on January 11 (with seminars in the LaSalle Room) and the second one is on February 1 (with seminars in the LaSalle Room). Outdoor sled dog demos will take place along the sea wall (just southeast of the Starved Rock Visitor Center). This event will take place with or without snow.

Kc Kerchner shared a link to your timeline.

Five Year Old Passes Technician Examination
know any FIVE year olds ?


Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
Thanks, and 73 tp David H Malin for posting on Amateur Radio FB page

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. updated their status.
Borrowed this from the Amateur Radio FB page posting:

You Might be a Ham Operator if….
1. When you look at a full moon and wonder how much antenna gain you would need.
2. When a friend gets a ride from you and remarks that you have a lot of CBs in your vehicle, it turns in to an hour long rant on how ham radio is not CB radio.
3. When someone asks for directions, you pause, wondering if long or… See More

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes their own post in SRRC January Meeting Rescheduled date.
SRRC January Meeting Rescheduled date
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
SRRC January Meeting Rescheduled date
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes their own post in SRRC January Meeting.
SRRC January Meeting
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. added an event.
SRRC January Meeting
Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes their own link.

Local Ham Radio enthusiasts will visit ARRL Headquarters live via Skype
Neat story, can WIAW remote operation by members be available in the future?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LinComm’s link.

Visiting Restrictions Implemented at IVCH – LaSalle News Tribune – LaSalle, IL
This is also true at other local hospitals.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Illinois Emergency Management Agency’s note: Resolve to be Ready in 2015! Make – and keep – a resolution this year that can help you stay safe during emergencies.
Resolve to be Ready in 2015! Make – and keep – a resolution this year that can help you stay safe during emergencies.
Join IEMA’s ‘Resolve to be Ready’ effort and make 2015 the year you and your family are prepared for all types of emergencies and disasters. Each month in 2015, we will share information and tips on a different preparedness topic to help you get prepared. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and on the Ready Illinois website ( throughout the year. #ResolvetobeReady.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Lamoine Emergency Amateur Radio Club’s post.
I’m sending a special shout out to the Walter family and Jesse Risley for helping me cover four hours of bell ringing on Saturday, December 6, 2014! ‪#‎LEARCcares‬

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes Lamoine Emergency Amateur Radio Club’s post.
To all hams, have a safe, healthy and Happy New Year! 73

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio’s post.
‪#‎ARRL2014‬ has come to a close. W100AW is now QRT, as are the W1AW portable operations. The Centennial convention in Hartford was a huge success. We’d like to think The Old Man would have enjoyed this last year. Millions of QSOs were made! Thanks to every single one of you for making the ARRL’s centennial year such an amazing event!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s post.
Please stay up to date on weather and road conditions if traveling Saturday! Stay safe!

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s link.
Special Weather Statement issued January 02 at 4:48AM CST by NWS

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency’s post.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. likes LinComm’s post.
Princeton fire/ems responding to I-80 mp61 wb for the single vehicle mvc with 4 patients.

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. shared a link.

Local Ham Radio enthusiasts will visit ARRL Headquarters live via Skype
Neat story, can WIAW remote operation by members be available in the future?

Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc – Static news. commented on their own post.
When will C4FM be available? SRRC has a test mobile and HT also a mobile via KB9VZH with C4FM. Can we link as we are running the same system?

2024 Hamfest Prize winners confirmed:

Grand First Prize: Jeff Goodspeed KA9S (Mailed) Grand Second Prize: Jason Ostrowski (Mailed) Grand Third Prize: Loren Jentz N9ENR (Claimed) Fun 50/50 Prize: John Thornton, KD9VZJ (Claimed)

Posted in 2015 Activity Log from Facebook page Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc - Static news | Leave a comment


Welcome to the Starved Rock Radio Club website. Welcome to our web pages. Use the topics above to navigate our pages here to find out more. = Want to be a member, or renew your SRRC Membership? Member Application Here … Continue reading

Posted in 2015 Activity Log from Facebook page Starved Rock Radio Club, Inc - Static news | Leave a comment