Ham Exam: Taking the Ham exam at SRRC Mendota Hamfest?
You MUST have an FRN (Federal Registration Numbers) to be seated. Social
security numbers are no longer used / accepted.
Please visit
to get your FRN.
By 6/4/2021, please register for the Ham Exam by sending your name, cell
number, FRN, and which exam (T, G or E) you will take to kb9ezz@arrl.net
Walk-ins will be allowed, but those registered will be given priority.
Please visit
and complete Section 1 and bring a printed copy and, if
applicable, a copy of your Amateur license. These will be sent to ARRL and
will not be returned. Also, please visit
for a list of what to bring to the exam session.
The ARRL VEC exam fee will remain at $15 (cash or check made to ARRL).
When the FCC application fee eventually takes effect, new and upgrade applicants will pay the $15 exam session fee to the VE team as usual and then pay the $35 application fee directly to the FCC.